quinta-feira, 29 de janeiro de 2009

Nba ;D

Now is our turn to speak a little about Nba players. As you know in the championship there are severel teams but the championship winners are Cleveland Cavaliers.
Nba has 30 teams and the rivality is very high between those teams.
The best players of Nba are : Lebron James, Tony Parker, Steve Nash, Dwight Howard, Paul Pierce, Kevin Garnnet, Kobe Bryant, Rondo, Ben Wallace, Allen Iverson...

4 comentários:

  1. Sure dudes Boston Celtics For ever:)

  2. Este blogue está um espectáculo... mesmo tendo sido criado por mim e por o meu colega João... Conordo com o tema quem vier a este blogue é obrigado a gostar...

  3. voces tao malucos que coisa mais horrorosa
